Today I show you some ideas to petting your pet by reusing (upcycling) various objects!
1. Reutilizar t-shirts - brinquedo para cães/ Upcycling t-shirts - dogs toy
Fonte e tutorial completo / Source and tutorial :
2. Reutilizar cadeira - Cama para cão / Upcycling chair - Dog bed
Fonte / Source :
3. Reutilizar caixa de fruta - cama para gato / Upcycling fruit crate - bed for a cat
Fonte e tutorial/ Source and tutorial:
4. Reutilizar restos de tecidos - casulo para rato/hamster / Upcycling fabric scraps - house for rat/hamster
Fonte e tutorial / Source and tutorial :
5. Reutilizar garrafas de plástico (pet) - comedouro para pássaros / Upcycling plastic pet botles - bird feeder
Fonte e tutorial / Source and Tutorial: