Hoje trago uma compilação de projectos para fazer este verão!
Today I bring a compilation of diy projects to do this summer!
Fonte / Source: http://karaspartyideas.com/
2. Reutilizar sandálias / Upcycling flipflops
Fonte / Source: https://jabustyle.wordpress.com/
3. Reutilizar garrafas - Decoração / Upcycling Bottles - Decoration
Fonte e tutorial/ Source and DIY: http://www.hometalk.com/
4. Reutilizar colheres de plástico - Candeeiro ananás / Upcycling plastic spoons - Pineapple lamp
Fonte / Source: http://www.topinspired.com/
5. Reutilizar toalhas - Personalizar / Upcycling Towels - Personalize
Fonte e tutorial / Source and DIY: https://studiodiy.com/
6. Reutilizar paus de gelado - Bucket list de verão / Upcycling popsicle sticks - Summer bucket list
Fonte / Source : https://www.primroseschools.com/
7. Reutilizar paletes de madeira - Floreira / Upcycling wood pallets - Flower garden
Fonte e tutorial/ Source and Tutorial: http://hellocreativefamily.com/
8. Reutilizar garrafas de plástico - Espirais de vento/ Upcycling plastic bottle - Wind spirals
Fonte e tutorial / Source and DIY : http://www.cbc.ca
9. Reutilizar t-shirts - Tie Dye / Upcycling T-Shirts
Fonte e mais tutoriais / Source and more DIYs : https://www.tiedyeyoursummer.com/
10. Reutilizar luzes de Natal e cordel / Upcycling Christmas lights and rope
Fonte / Source : https://www.thewonderforest.com/